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Affiliate Partner Guide

Affiliate Application

Please fill in the application form.
Applications are open to both individuals and corporations.

Reward payment

At the end of the month, 20% of sales made through partners will be paid as commission.
※Light only 10% reward

Referral code issuance

We will issue a referral code exclusively for our partners.
This is necessary when introducing customers.

Partnership agreement concluded

You will enter into an affiliate partnership agreement with us electronically.

Preliminary Examination

We will conduct a provisional inspection.
After the preliminary screening, we will send you a reply with the result via your registered email address.

How to use the referral code

Partner-only common benefits

Points to note about affiliate activities

For those who wish to become affiliate partners

[10% discount]

Use our referral code to get 10% off.

Please let your buyers know about this.

Partners can also provide their own special offers.

We ask all partners to respect and abide by the law.

Please refer to the contract documents for details.

Please contact us through the " Affiliate Partner Application " page .

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