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MOSA Market

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Important Notice

Whether or not you are registered as an investment advisory or agency


According to the "Comprehensive Guidelines for Supervision of Financial Instruments Business Operators, etc." (hereinafter referred to as the "Supervision Guidelines") published by the Financial Services Agency, "the act of providing investment decisions based on an analysis of the values, etc. of securities or financial instruments, etc., to an unspecified number of persons in a manner that allows the unspecified number of persons to purchase them at any time" does not require registration as an investment advisory or agency business.

The products (software) sold on MOSA Market ( are available to anyone at any time, freely, after reviewing and judging for themselves the investment analysis algorithms and other functions of each product (software), and therefore do not require registration as an investment advisory or agency business as described above.

Therefore, we are not registered as an investment advisory or agency business.

(Note that the Supervision Guidelines also clearly state that registration is not required for "sales of computer software such as investment analysis tools" when "the software is in a state where anyone can freely purchase the software at any time based on the investment analysis algorithms and other functions of the computer software through store sales by retailers or download sales via a network, etc.")

Regarding software upgrades after sales

After the software is released, it may be necessary to upgrade it.

The version upgrades referred to here are bug fixes (minimum bug fixes and provision of correction patches) that are required not only for EA tools but for software in general, and will be provided free of charge.

If an upgrade is planned, the seller will share the details of the upgrade with us, and we will check them.

If we determine that the upgrade is for the purpose of correcting a software defect, the upgrade will be permitted.

However, we cannot implement any version upgrades that include changes that fall under investment advisory or agency business.

About our affiliate partners

We have an affiliate partner program.

Basically, anyone can apply to become an affiliate.

We conduct partner screening, but we do not ask for personal information at the screening stage.

The review will consist solely of a hearing and will primarily consist of checking the affiliate media you have applied for.

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